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Vision Therapy Solutions at
Dr Elmalem and Associates

Vision therapy is not just a treatment method; it's a pathway to unlocking the full potential of your visual system. At Dr Elmalem and Associates, we specialize in customized vision therapy programs that cater to the unique needs of both children and adults.

Our practice addresses visual conditions that impact learning, reading, sports performance, and daily activities, ensuring our patients achieve optimal visual function.

A child undergoes vision therapy in an optician. Marsden ball
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Why Choose Vision Therapy?

Does your child struggle in the classroom or on the sports field? It may be that they have visual skill deficiencies. Vision therapy goes beyond standard eye care to resolve visual problems that glasses, contact lenses, or surgery alone cannot fix.

It's particularly effective for conditions such as convergence insufficiency, where the eyes struggle to work together when reading or doing close work, leading to headaches, eye strain, and blurred vision.

girl reading on bed

Signs That Your Child Needs
Vision Therapy

  • Struggling academically, particularly with reading and writing
  • Avoiding activities that require close vision, like reading
  • Experiencing frequent headaches or eye strain, especially after visual tasks
  • Covering or closing one eye to see better
  • Having a short attention span for tasks requiring visual focus
  • Squinting or sitting very close to the TV or screen
  • Difficulty with hand-eye coordination, affecting sports or other physical activities
  • Using a finger to track while reading or frequently losing place
  • Adopting unusual postures, such as tilting the head while reading or writing
  • Complaining of double vision or blurry vision

If your child exhibits any of these signs, consider scheduling a comprehensive eye examination to discuss the potential benefits of vision therapy.

Vision Therapy for All Ages

While vision therapy is often associated with children, especially in addressing learning-related visual problems, it's equally effective for adults. Our tailored programs help adults overcome visual challenges, enhance visual efficiency for work or hobbies, and even improve sports performance.

Benefits of Vision Therapy in Adults

Adults facing visual challenges may find that vision therapy offers a viable solution to improve their visual abilities and overall quality of life. Here are some ways in which tailored vision therapy programs can assist adults:

  • Overcoming Visual Challenges: Many adults experience visual problems that can affect their daily activities, such as eye strain from computer use, difficulty maintaining focus, or issues with eye coordination. Vision therapy can address these challenges by targeting the underlying visual issues, leading to improved comfort and efficiency in visual tasks.

  • Enhancing Visual Efficiency for Work or Hobbies: Visual efficiency is crucial in the modern workplace, where people spend so much time in front of screens. Vision therapy programs can enhance an adult's ability to process visual information more effectively, reducing fatigue and increasing productivity. Similarly, hobbies that require precise visual skills, such as photography, reading, or crafting, can also benefit from the improved visual acuity and coordination gained through vision therapy.

man squinting eyes
  • Improving Sports Performance: For adults engaged in sports, vision therapy offers an avenue to enhance visual skills critical for athletic performance. Skills such as dynamic visual acuity, eye tracking, depth perception, and peripheral vision are vital for sports. They can be developed and refined through targeted vision therapy exercises. By improving these visual skills, athletes can achieve better coordination, timing, and accuracy in their sport.
optometrist helping boy with vision therapy excercises

Our Approach to Vision Therapy

At Dr Elmalem and Associates, we begin with a comprehensive visual assessment to determine each patient's needs. Our therapy programs include:

  • Pediatric Vision Therapy: This therapy supports children's visual development, addressing issues affecting learning and reading, such as eye tracking, eye teaming, and visual processing skills.
  • Vision Therapy for Adults: Tailored to address adult-specific concerns, from computer vision syndrome related to prolonged screen use to enhancing visual skills critical for driving or sports.

Core Vision Therapy Techniques

Our vision therapy sessions utilize a variety of techniques and tools, including:

  • Therapeutic Exercises: Custom exercises to improve eye coordination, focusing, and movement.
  • Use of Lenses and Prisms: Specialized lenses and prisms to train the eyes to work together more effectively.
  • Computer-assisted Activities: Engaging software that targets specific areas of visual function needing improvement.

Join Us on the Journey to Better Vision

Vision therapy at Dr Elmalem and Associates is more than just exercises; it's a comprehensive approach to enhancing your or your child's life through improved visual skills. Our dedicated team in Richmond Hill and Newmarket is ready to guide you through every step of this transformative process.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation. Let Dr Elmalem and Associates be your partner in achieving optimal visual health and performance.